Thursday, July 9, 2009


Boys don’t feel pain,
Boys don’t cry,
They are hard,
They are tough guys.

I don’t understand,
Why is it always perceived like that,
Do they don’t have heart,
Can’t they feel pain and cry.

It is thought because of many reasons,
Because they don’t shed their tears in open,
They cry secretly,
Without the support of any shoulder.

They cry less,
They cry hardly,
They cry rarely,
When they are exasperated,
When things are exasperating.

It’s hard to see them mourn,
Even on funerals,
Or even on happy occasions,
They don’t shed their tears.

But when they are overwhelmed,
When conditions are worse,
When situation is out of control,
When they are filled with anger.

Their heart melts,
And lava of pain erupts,
They are in torment,
They cry and tears outburst.

It’s hard to understand men,
You can’t understand, until you take their place,
You can’t see the heart of men,
Because it’s always under a veil.